Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Have you ever noticed that most people don't blog about being in a funk? I mean, unless they can put some sort of comical or positive spin on it, or have a point to make (like the post about being a mom) you don't read blogs about people who just aren't having the best of days...

Well that has been me as of late. My baby has been sick, and quite honestly, I am thinking I am dealing more with depression again. Ugh! Never a whole lot of fun where that is concerned. I am finding things bothering me and hurting my feelings easier than they used to. Then again, I have had a fall out with a certain old friend of mine, so maybe that has something to do with it all. All I know is that I am not feeling all that good lately, thus I haven't been doing my normal blogging. Sorry to keep all you loyal readers (all 3 of you!!) in the dark with whats up with me!

So yesterday we went swimming at my best friend and cousin's house. I didn't bring my camera, but she got a few good pictures of Lacey... she even blogged them. Go check it out HERE.

Lil has been a good girl lately. She has been so patient with not being able to go play at the park. It has been hard to tell her she can't go play because her sister was sick, but she took it well and stayed home without too much complaint. The good news is that Lacey is finally over her illness, and so we can spend more time outside again.

Lacey is growing up so fast. I miss the little baby, though I don't miss the separation anxiety! She seems to be outgrowing the need to be with mom constantly. Sunday, when given the choice between coming to me and going to Grandma, she chose Grandma to the sheer amazement of both me AND my mother!

Joe and I are doing well adjusting to his new job. He works pretty awesome hours, and he likes the job and the people. We are in the process of making a lot of changes in our finances... we may be refinancing our house, and we are cutting back on luxuries that we don't really need. We both feel this urgent need to be saving more money and getting our retirement in order. Its nice to finally be in a position where we can focus on it.

Hope everything is good with you all. I LOVE Google Reader! It makes keeping up on all your blogs so much easier! If you don't have it yet, go check it out!


Morgan said...

HAHA you have read my recent post right? Quite the funk.

heidijogoody said...

I know your pain it is hard when the kids get used to playing outside and then they are unable to for one reason or another. Glad lacey is better. I have heard of google reader but I don't think it works for when I update my blog I think because my blog is private or whatever.

Adventures in Healing said...

I am a loyal reader! Honestly, when I read your first paragraph I totally thought you were referring to comments I made and me not posting about my funk. hehe. I think I need your email address.